
January 15, 2015

Back From Long Absence

Yes, i'm doing good lately. But i still going through lots of rocks, and thanks God. He always beside me, so i can going all these with BIG SMILE on my face. Hahahaha.
Are you guys missing my post?
I'll post some of what i have in my work place. I've lots of things to share, because i've been absence for toooooooooooooo longgggggggggggg.
Then i don't know where to start. HAHAHA.
Lots of things i wanna share, but but buttt where should i startttt?????
Or should i start with my latest picture? *just ignore my narcism LOL

Alritey just start with my latest work!
To be honest guys, i've been thinking of our childhood fave milk turn into a yummy dessert. Did you guys know what i mean? This milk is like all the time favourite! Even i can eat just the powder itself. Yes, its MILO!!!!!!!!!
Who hate MILO raise your hand!!!! HAHAHAHA. And me i'm a milo lover. I love milo dinosaur (for indonesia you should know this kind of drink). Yes, iced milo with lots lots and lotsssss of MILO powder. I don't know why milo can be so addicted.
I keep thinking how to make it turn into a yummy dessert. I keep searching thinking andddddddd then tadahhhhh i try to make it.
I make milo as a mousse. Can you imagine milo dessert that can melt easily in your mouth. YYUUUUMMMMMM.
The composition are:
-Cocoa jaconde sponge
-Banana cream
-Thick milo mousse
-White chocolate green colored glaze
-Last but not to be missed is MILO CRUNCH. I put milo crunch as topping.
And i named it Hey, Milo :)
Can you imagine the taste?
I can't describe anymore about the taste, you guys should come here and try.
And here's is Hey, Milo.

Curious how it taste? Just have a visit to Jl. Kemang 1 no 12a (Ellexito Eatery and Pastry)

July 9, 2014

New Dessert

I'll post some of my new dessert. I wont talk much,but i'll explain about the dessert. YUMMMM

Alritey, we start from something unordinary. HAHAHAHA. Okay, to be honest i dunno whats the name of this first dessert. This dessert contains 4 layers in total, and for me this dessert like LITTLE HEAVEN ON EARTH. I'm not bluffing, if you cream cheese lover and wanna try something with chessey thing, this would be the best. LOL *evil laugh. Okay, let me tell you (from bottom to top)
-First layer is almond dacquoise
-Second layer is strawberry panacotta with diced strawberry (YUMMMM)
-Third layer is vanilla streusel (you will find crunchy thing on this cheese cake man)
-Fourth layer will be the last layer and you wont regret the taste, its cream cheese mousse
Thats why i say heaven on earth. I'll selling this in individual size. Dont worry.

Are you a coffee lover? We provide you TIRAMISU BAR. Made from coffee espresso, we not using coffee essence, syrup, and etc. For non coffee lover, no need to worry, its not so strong like you guys think espresso. Last but not least imported mascarpone cheese.

This is De' Caramelo. Start from vanilla sponge, homemade strawberry caramel jam, caramel jelly and melt in mouth vanilla mousse. And trust me it's not so sweet, i know caramel in your mind will be something that very sweet, but the stawberry jam will make it balance :D
Akh, if you try this and see black dots, dont worry its the vanilla bean. We using high quality vanilla bean.

You guys should know this. Yes, its red velvet. We call it Red Velvet Box. Its fill with cream cheese filling. And feel the strong cream cheese inside. 

June 28, 2014

Update: Ellexito Eatery And Pastry

Just got a bit free time. Then blogging time! HAHAHAHAH.
Did u guys got plan for this weekend?
Yes, its already weekend, time flies damn fast.
My newest routine is everyday going to Kemang and bake some cakes. YUMMMMM!

I'll make u drolling at this time. HAHAHAHA *evil laugh
Alritey as i promise, that i'll post some of new pic menu of Ellexito.
As i mention to you that we selling local taste of pasta and i havent post the pic about it. And here they are.......
                                                               Tomato Bruschetta

Thai Salad

Honey Jam Wings

Green WOKU Chilli Spaghetti (Btw it should be fettucinne)

                                                                      Rice Burger

Red Spicy Penne with Anchovies

Salted Egg Spaghetti

                                                             Ellexito's Chicken Steak

And not to be missed classic ROYAL, simple cake but trust me u'll ask for more. For those of you hazelnut and dark chocolate lover this is would be your best choice.
Okay, let me explain you about this. It's made from almond dacquoise, crunchy praline, and dark chocolate mousse (Cacao Barry Extra Bitter Guayaquil 64%). We use premium chocolate to fulfill your needs. And we make our own praline paste, that's make this cake perfect in taste. YUMMEEEHHHHHHHHHH. This is the first chocolate cake that i love the most, especially the crunchy bottom part. Hmmmmmmm

Last but not least i'll see you here guys :)))))

June 19, 2014

Ellexito Eatery And Pastry

Sorry for the longgggggggg absence guys :(            
Even i got no time for myself. But i got good news. Our cafe just opened. YAYYYYY!!! Its located on Kemang 1 no 12 (opposite food garden). So this is the secret project that i already talking about. Seriously run a cafe isnt easy. But i enjoy it.                                                                                             We have some fusion menu such as GREEN "WOKU" CHILLI SPAGHETTI (means spaghetti with chicken woku) for those of you that really love trying new things, our place is a good choice. Because you can try pasta with local taste, not to forget you can choose level of spicy for some menu. Didn't it interesting? Spicy pasta, hmmm,m YUMMYYYY.
But do you know that chicken woku was originated from manado? Not only spaghetti chicken woku that really unique in our cafe, but also we have spaghetti balado with anchovies (aka ikan teri), we named it RED SPICY PENNE ANCHOVIES. Akh, writing this post making me hungry at this time. Lol.  Dont worry we still have some unique fusion in our place. Last but not least, we not only selling food. Hahahahhaa. We also sell FRENCH FINE PASTRY. All the pastries are made by me.I'll post some pic below. To make you more and more drooling. Hahahaha *evil laugh.

                                                             I'll post more pic tomorrow. And last but not least i'll see you there guys :)))))

April 22, 2014

Every girls dream.....

Holaaaa readers :)

I'm in a mellow mood now. Just because i listen to a song. Okay, nothing bad happen to me. Its really because a song. I'll post the song below.
This song really like show that every women should have a guy that really loving her. I wish all my readers has the same. Yes, its true we must have someone that can really loving us no matter what. Its every girls dream i think, am i right?
I keep repeating this song. HAHAHAHA.
Okay, here's the song. Enjoy the song guys :)

April 16, 2014

Review: Phytolium 4 (for chronic hair fall)

Yes, this is the serum that i'm talking about. Its like magic for my hair :)))))))
After 3 times using this, i can see the result. My hair fall stop by itself. Can not say 100% stop. But i can count how many hair that falling from my roots. Last time i count until 200++. U must be say that i'm crazy counting the hair that falling. But thats what i did,because i want to know. And btw 200++ that falling exclude my hair falling when i wash my hair :(
Even i collect that already fall, and i make into a bun, hahahahaha. That's enough to describe how stress i am.
Okay back to the serum.
I cant denied this serum is a bit pricey. But i'll do everything for my hair. And you dont have to use this serum all the time, after your hair getting better just change it. Btw, this serum also has a good rating on MakeupAlley. This serum helps to strengthens and add density to your hair. Not only that, this serum make your hair growth so fast, so you can see or feel your baby hair after maybe 3 weeks.Thats why now my head around roots area is super itchy, then i asked my mom to see my roots and she said that i have lots of baby hair. YAY!!! She said even too much baby hair. Hahahah.  And its only for chronic thinning hair. So, if your hair fall problem still under control better dont use this serum, because phyto has another serum for not chronic hair fall which is phytocyane (with cheaper price). I already using this serum but i feel phytolium still do better, maybe because my hair fall is too chronic.

So, i really really recommend this serum for those who has chronic hair fall. Two thumbs up for this. And below is my hair now. If u see it still looks like thick but actually its very thin. It looks like thick because my volume hair. Lucky i still have volume hair.

Secret project in the making

Helloooo guysss.

I just got my free time a bit, lol. Yap, just a bit. Today post is abt my secret project. The project still under construction. Oh don't worry once it finish i'll post it here :)
Hint: you can try my pastries there
This secret project make me stressed out, and the result make me almost bald. Even i cut quite short my hair and it still keep falling.And its not only me that stressed out, my bf too. We argue too much because of this.  My hair falling like i've been in chemotherapy. So, within 2 months i lost too much hair, until my hair become very very thin. I scared everytime when i washing my hair. Until i'm going to the doctor, the doctor gives me 2 vitamins. After the vitamins finish then my hair falling again.
Sigh :(
And not to forgot i also doing laser on my hair.

I feel very stress after washing my hair, its very creepy. And poor me, shampoo that the doctor give it to me wasn't really works on me :(

Then i go back using my old shampoo and using their serum too. I'm using serum for chronic haif fall. And it works!! Finally. But still a bit falling. And got lots of baby hair growing :))))))
Lots of baby hair growing make your head around roots super itchy. Even after shampooing still very itchy. Maybe i can do a review about this magic serum. Lol. So, stay tuned guys. I'll do it after finish this post.