
November 13, 2013

PLEASE STOP Animal Abuse

Hey, guys...
I kinda sad after saw few videos from youtube :(
I saw lots of animal abusing around us. Yes, i'm not a vegetarian. But i try not to eat beef, pork, lamb, duck, especially goose liver or most of you know it as "foie gras" and etc.
I'm still eating chicken and fish. And pardon me i'm not eating whale or dolphin meat for sure (Japan eating this 2 fish).
And if can i'll choose not to eat chicken or fish, and try to choose salads at a time :)
I know it's hard, but at least i try.
You know that better you kill those animal first before you eat it. So, you want torturing them for too long. I saw many many videos on youtube about how they torturing those animals before they eat it. It's really really sad. Even i cry after i watched.
I know God create them for us to eat, but God never teach us to torturing them.
They also can feel the pain like us as human being. Even if they can scream (most of animals will scream), and they will. We will hear their scream, means they're in pain.
Just imagine, if they cook alive, maybe in the boil  water, Just try put your own finger inside boil water, pain or not. They also feel the same.
So, guys if you want to eat them, please don't torturing them. Kill them first, end their pain. Then eat them. If you' re not strong enough please don't watch. Even i can't finish to watch this.
Here are some videos that i found on youtube that make me cried :(

And below is special video for foie gras. I post this video to let you guys know, how's the goose lives before we enjoy their  fatty liver. I know for some of you may like their fatty and juicy liver. But these goose feel like in hell before they being killed. 

And still many many creepy cruelty videos on youtube that can make your heart feel fucking pain after watched :(

November 7, 2013

How to Maintain Healthy Skin

Heyy guyss :)

My today post is about healthy skin. Most of us should be care about it. But still some of us do not care about their own skin,because their skin still looks good. Am i right?
Doesn't mean if your skin still looks good and it still in the healthy condition. I'm not saying that my skin is perfect and healthy. I still have some blackheads and whiteheads. My skin still far away from perfect.But i do really care about my skin. I'm afraid of signs of aging, like wrinkles etc.
In this post i'm just talking about how we should take care of our skin.

1. Do exfoliating twice a week to remove all the dead skin cells. 
Exfoliation can help to improve the results of your skin care. Especially before using mask. Better do exfoliation before using mask. Beside that it also can help to rejuvenate your skin and  can help keep pores from becoming clogged and leave skin with a refreshed and clean feeling. How cool is that? LOL. 

2. Use mask twice a week. 
Assorted benefits of using face mask are to moisturize, to rejuvenate, to relax, and to maintain your skin. Some of face mask have other benefits which is for oil control, redness control etc. There are no cons of using face mask. You also feel relax after use. 

3. Do not rub your skin too harsh.
Your skin texture will change if you rub too harsh. Do you know about that? The best skin texture is look like triangle, if you do skin check and your skin texture slightly like square shape, it might be you rub your skin too harsh or might be the way you sleep. 

4. Always clean your face before going to sleep.
Don't you ever use make up when you sleep, it's a big NO. Let your skin breathe at night time. If you sleep with make up it will clogged your pores as well.

5. Always use moisturizer.
Moisturizer is too keep your skin to stay moisturize and prevent from dryness. Choose moisturizer that suit to your skin condition.

6. Don't forget to use SUNSCREEN.
It's very very important guys. Because UVA and UVB can cause skin cancer, aging skin, freckles, wrinkles, etc. So, don't forget to use sunscreen before going out.

7. Drink at least 8 glasses a day.

8. Last but not least you can drink beauty supplement to get better result for your skin.

Thanks for reading and enjoy my post :)